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Crypto enthusiasts want to receive wages in cryptocurrency

Криптоэнтузиасты хотят получать заработную плату в криптовалюте

A study by Chronobank found that companies looking to recruit talented crypto professionals should consider paying in Bitcoin. About 66% of the digital currency community prefer payments in cryptoassets to fiat salaries.

The survey involved 445 crypto enthusiasts from around the world, including the United States, Australia and Russia. The results indicate that 66% of those surveyed would prefer to receive wages partially or completely in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. 83% of respondents were enthusiastic about the idea of ​​cryptocurrency bonuses and bonuses, and 72% would like to choose for themselves how they receive their royalties next month.

The majority of respondents believe that digital assets will become more popular and significant in the future, and only 5% of respondents would prefer a fiat salary over a cryptocurrency. 50% believe that a salary in cryptocurrency will help them save on costs and only 19% would use it for transactions. Among the youngest respondents, between 18 and 24 years old, 60% would prefer to keep the cryptocurrency rather than spend it.

Based on the results of the survey, Japan is the leader in the number of countries whose personnel market could switch to crypto salary in the near future (32%), while 57% of respondents are confident that such an initiative will have a beneficial effect on the economic growth of the national economy. Up to 65% of US respondents would like to pay taxes in cryptocurrency, while in Russia only 30% have a similar opinion. 92% of the survey participants were men, 40% of whom are between the ages of 25 and 34. 75% of them are currently working full-time jobs.

In the meantime, paying out crypto bonuses or paying salaries in crypto is becoming more common practice. For example, employees of companies such as Google, Facebook, Airbnb, and Uber already have the opportunity to receive a salary in cryptocurrency using the Bitwage service. They can choose for themselves whether they receive fiat currency, Bitcoins, or a combination of both. Bitwage also supports Ethereum, Litecoin and Dash payments.

We also note that the legislation of North American Costa Rica also allows local companies to pay part of the wages in goods, which legally include cryptocurrencies, subject to the payment of the minimum wage in fiat.


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