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Roadmap for 2022 in PLANET IX

Launch of decentralized finance (DeFi) components - Q1

Staking IX tokens

PIX Staking

PIX credit solutions

Representation of game actions during which you can get an IX token:

Quests and competitions

Grants and charitable awards

DAO + P2E - Q2

DAO Planet IX

Decentralization of governance and voting

Introduction of territorial DAOs: Co-ownership and consolidation of territories for further development

Play 2 Earn - Play and Earn

Impact 2 Earn - Influence and Earn

Further Defi Updates - Q3

DeFi upgrade and personalization based on iterative staking model

Profit Farming PIX

Introducing NPCs and Avatars

In-Game NFT Asset Auction

Create NFT (crafting), unlock new features

Interface SDK - Q4

Developer SDK interface

SDK that allows you to create MODs for in-game development

Through collaboration with several local mass organizations around the world, users are incentivized to perform manual labor in order to be rewarded in the form of IX token and other types of grants. Doing work through one of our partners will be one way to get started with Planet IX. Influence and Earn games are not just a new economic model, but also new economic opportunities for the user playing Planet IX.


The site is for informational purposes only. We make no warranties with respect to this content, including with regard to its relevance and accuracy. These materials should not be taken as financial or legal advice. Use them at your own risk only after careful analysis, research and verification. Check with a financial advisor before making any decisions. The content of the Site cannot be considered an offer or a guide to action.

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